Ir. Taufik Aditiyawarman, M.M, PMP
IAFMI Chairman
Assalammu’alaykum wr. wb It is an honour for me to welcome you once again to our annual Oil and Gas Production Facility Forum, which was fully supported by SKK Migas since its first inception in 2018. FFPM 2024 this year will be held in Surabaya on 26-28 August 2024 with the theme of “Enhancing National Oil & Gas Industry Resilience amidst Growing Competition”.
The theme above represents the current condition of the oil and gas industry, which is booming again with the discovery of new reserves and the execution of several mega projects in the world to meet growing energy demand. It cannot be denied, in the midst of the energy transition era, oil and gas is still a sourceof energy needed to maintain the world’s energy resilience.
The development of mega projects and the discovery of resources require support from goods and service providers who are able to manage and implement mega projects in a safe and environmentally sustainable manner. Especially for Indonesia, this is a challenge for the Oil and Gas Supporting Industry, both in terms of domestic capacity and quality and competence.
FFPM 2024 as a forum for oil and gas industry practitioners will specifically elaborate and discuss this challenge. It is hoped that with discussions in FFPM 2024, strategy formulation can be issued in this forum as input for national oil and gas industry policy makers to address resource challenges. And in the end we can achieve a common goal, namely fulfilling national energy security and the sustainability of the national oil and gas industry. Our highest appreciation for all stakeholders commitment and support for this event. Let us make FFPM 2024 a successful event.
The theme above represents the current condition of the oil and gas industry, which is booming again with the discovery of new reserves and the execution of several mega projects in the world to meet growing energy demand. It cannot be denied, in the midst of the energy transition era, oil and gas is still a sourceof energy needed to maintain the world’s energy resilience.
The development of mega projects and the discovery of resources require support from goods and service providers who are able to manage and implement mega projects in a safe and environmentally sustainable manner. Especially for Indonesia, this is a challenge for the Oil and Gas Supporting Industry, both in terms of domestic capacity and quality and competence.
FFPM 2024 as a forum for oil and gas industry practitioners will specifically elaborate and discuss this challenge. It is hoped that with discussions in FFPM 2024, strategy formulation can be issued in this forum as input for national oil and gas industry policy makers to address resource challenges. And in the end we can achieve a common goal, namely fulfilling national energy security and the sustainability of the national oil and gas industry. Our highest appreciation for all stakeholders commitment and support for this event. Let us make FFPM 2024 a successful event.